
Flowery Language
Flowery Language featured the following pieces:
Newts and Hoptoads, for lo these too many moons: A coming to terms between dance titans.
Diane, Tamara, Joyce and Suzanne meet for coffee and get shit done: Four single white women doing the best they can, little gay boy in tow, the world is their oyster, it’s the 90s after all!
Vanessa, Maggie, James, Emma, Rupert and Helena are genteel characters who suffer from disillusionment and tragic entanglements: Everything is gorgeous and meaningless in the society of turn of the century (the previous one) Britain, in the scalding novels of E.M.Forster interpreted by the film auteur partners Merchant and Ivory. Class, race, gender and sexuality are torn apart and never put back together. Over a 100 years later, not much has changed.
Rogelio and Andrew pick up a game of tennis: Why do people have to die? To make life important.
Something of Lasting Beauty
Andrew was commissioned to create dance elements for KQED's Bay Curious National AIDS Memorial Walking Tour. Those dance sections are called Something of Lasting Beauty.

Vanessa, Maggie, James, Emma, Rupert, and Helena are genteel characters who suffer from disillusionment and tragic entanglements
This piece is an homage to the works of E.M. Forster as told through the films of Merchant/Ivory, with reflections on class, race and gender that reflect today but from 100 years ago. Not much has shifted.

Rob & Diane
The imagined relationship of my parents pre-my birth. Jesus freaks surrounded by the late 70’s Los Angeles, martyrdom, and disco.

Kiss Me While I Sleep
An indulgent, fuchsia-filled fever dream fantasy, where nothing is quite within grasp. One thought slips through one’s fingers as the next one hits like a crashing wave.

Sympathy for a Slacker
A hard look at the worst qualities of myself but with a glitter curtain, and blue denim, while Maria von Trapp lurks throughout.